1:1 Sessions

One-on-one sessions are either online or in person (in Busselton WA) and are a space for you to explore whatever you wish or need to explore and enquire into. We invite curiosity and guidance as you lean into what is present for you.

It may be that you are experiencing difficulty or feel unclear about your path. Sessions are person-centered so we are guided by where your mind, heart soul leads us.

Sessions can include a variety of modalities depending on your needs and preferences and each session is a blend of two people working together to find the best way forward for you. Sessions are not ‘expert-led’ as is often the case sometimes – Mind, Heart, Soul Sessions are intuitive, access multiple intelligences, and have a touch of reverence and sacredness as well.

Everything is welcome and all sessions are offered in trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive ways.



Kisbirth Counselling

Embodied Processing

Counselling ~ a gentle invitation to expand understand self, exploring the intelligences of mind, heart, and soul through the body. A journey home to the sacred self inside, unique, real, true.

Unraveling past events, trauma, or pain, through person-centered, embodied processing rather than always ‘talking’ can offer new insights and understanding for you in the present.

These sessions are about what feels right for you in the moment, learning to trust your own self again, and offering a sacred and valuable piece of your inner healing and empowerment journey.

Counselling is a sacred space for you to sit in acceptance and be held in deep listening and deep respect. Each session is unique to you and the person you authentically are.

Coaching ~ a space for you to focus on how you want your life to be and exploring what might be in the way.

Coaching focuses on your innate potential, your strengths, possibilities, and your dreams. Coaching is present and future-focused.

Coaching for women offers a creative space to get curious about self, the present and the future.

Coaching can support you to:

  • Find your focus points identifying where you are now and where you want to be
  • Explore blocks internal and external
  • Find strategies to support you on a daily basis
  • Identifying  your core values and beliefs
  • Discovering feminine flow direction and intentions

Counselling sessions can support you (and your partner) before and/or after birthing your baby.

Preparing for birth and also integrating following birth is a process sometimes overlooked as the medicalization of birth tends to take place primarily in the realm of the physical.

Some people experience trauma during or after birth and counselling can provide support for understanding what happened to you and taking time to find resources to support you in the integration and healing of your experience.

KISbirth is person-centred and non-directive. Medicare Rebate may apply for up to 3 sessions for anyone who is pregnant or has had a baby in the last 12 months. Your partner can join you for sessions if you wish and baby too of course.

Embodied Processing is the bottom-up approach to working with trauma, low self-esteem, anxiety, addiction, depression, and a myriad of other stress-related issues.

Embodied Processing is a trauma healing modality that is grounded in both the latest neuroscience as well as ancient healing traditions.

The process helps us to draw on the body’s innate intelligence to discharge stress, heal, and return to homeostasis. By guiding ourselves and our clients to meet ourselves at the roots, exactly as we are; transformation happens on its own.

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