
Catherine Amery
Coaching, Counselling

Women’s Circles, Groups & Retreats.

Empowered Embodied Healing



KISbirth Counselling


Sacred Facilitation

Women’s Circles


Welcome to Mind, Heart, Soul Healing with Catherine

Join me on a transformative journey to Reclaim YOU. We all have defense responses and protective mechanisms shaped by trauma, impacting our lives today. My Sacred Somatic Sessions, whether group or individual, are designed to help you find inner safety and healing.

Sacred Somatic Sessions

Inspired by the Comprehensive Resource Model developed by Lisa Schwarz, Embodied Processing from The Centre For Healing, and Deep Brain Reorienting by Dr. Frank Corrigan, we start by creating a Sanctuary of Safety—a space where you feel “safe enough” in your body. From this foundation, we gently explore your sensations and feelings, allowing for reorientation and transformation towards inner calm, empowerment, and healing.

Influences and Expertise

My approach is enriched by the insights of Gabor Maté’s Compassionate Inquiry and Peter Levine’s somatic work for trauma.

Your Journey to Reclaim YOU

One in three women in Australia experience traumatic births, often compounding past trauma. Trauma can be something that did happen, but it can also be something that didn’t happen and should have happened. Very few of us grew up in environments where our emotional feelings or expression were fully supported 100% of the time. My own journey through fears, doubts, and trauma fuels my commitment to guide you from contracted, dense energy to expansive, radiant light, connecting with your Sacred Self within. Once we reconnect here, everything else gets easier.

Your Inherent Worth

I see your inherent worth and power, even if you don’t. I will meet you and SEE you—the woman you are. It’s time to lead ourselves toward empowerment and illuminate the world with our intrinsic value.

Healing for Your Mind, Heart, and Soul

In sessions, you’ll find a space of profound acceptance. Embracing the entirety of who you are, we nurture your nervous system’s capacity for resilience and tranquility, tapping into the wisdom of your heart, mind, and soul. This journey leads to the true you—authentic, embodied, empowered.

Contact Me

If you would like to know more, please email me at catherine@mindheartsoulhealing.au to discuss how I can support you or book on the link above (below the photo of me in the top right hand corner).

With unwavering unconditional love,



You are welcome here.

You are invited to come and fill your energy cup in a nurturing, accepting and welcoming space.

(Special Welcome to Mothers too)


Coaching is a process that helps you focus on how you want your life to be and what may be preventing you from achieving your goals. It emphasizes your potential, strengths, opportunities, and aspirations. Coaching is forward-looking and helps you build a vision for your future.

Counseling, on the other hand, is a gentle exploration of the self. It involves understanding the different aspects of the mind, heart, and soul through the body. It is a journey back to the true, unique, and sacred self.

Counseling also supports processing past events, traumas, or pain through a person-centered and embodied approach, rather than just talking. This can offer new insights and understanding for you in the present. These sessions are tailored to what feels right for you in the moment, helping you regain trust in yourself and empowering you on your inner healing journey.

BirthKIS Sessions

BirthKIS sessions can support you to be more empowered as you and your partner navigate the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of the birthing process.

In our systems that provide maternity care, focus on the physical aspect of birth often takes precedence, yet, preparing for (prior to birthing) and integrating the birth experience (following birthing) are equally important. Birth takes all we have of mind, heart, soul, and body, much like running a marathon and this applies to any and every kind of birth.  

With support, the experience of pregnancy, birthing, and post-birth can be embraced as the sacred experience that it is and the full range of emotions and experiences you have had can be fully honoured and held.

For those who may have experienced trauma during or after birth, counseling can provide support and compassionate listening as you traverse the healing journey. 

The BirthKIS approach is person-centered, with the unique needs, experiences, and preferences, of each family deeply respected. 

Additionally, Medicare Rebate may be available for up to 3 sessions for anyone who is pregnant or has had a baby in the last 12 months. (Referral from GP required) You are welcome to bring your partner and baby to the sessions if you choose to create a safe and supportive environment for your healing journey.

Image used with permission from
Sophie Jenna. Find her on Instagram @artistsophiejenna

Womens Circles, Workshops
and Retreats

Women’s Circles, workshops, and retreats offer a safe and supportive environment for women to connect with themselves and each other. These group events provide opportunities for self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment.

Being together in this space of sacred acceptance invites women to reconnect with their inner authenticity and tap into the power of their hearts.

Sacred Facilitation techniques such as reverence, nurturing, compassionate listening, and deep respect create a unique opportunity for a positive, uplifting, and transformative experience for all participants.

Image used with permission from Arna Baartz https://arnabaartz.com.au/

Hi! My name is Catherine

Welcome to my corner of the internet! My name is Catherine and I am a passionate supporter of women. As a stay-at-home mum for many years, I found parenting to be a profound personal and spiritual growth experience. Despite the busy days of family life, I continued to learn and ultimately earned my Bachelor of Social Work and spent many many years involved in many personal development and professional development trainings and workshops. In 2022 the world turned on it’s axis and I found myself in a position where due to values conflict I had to resign from my job. It was a year of inner unrest for me as I sought to find my place and get clear about how I wanted to rest of my life to be. When our last child left home early in the year, I spent some time solo hiking to clear my head which required feeling lots of fear and moving through that to continue my days hiking. 

I am absolutely clear now (actually always have been – just got waylaid) that I am here to facilitate empowerment and uplift women in any way I can. Whether through one-on-one counseling or coaching or through leading Sacred Circles and retreats, I am dedicated to helping women tap into their inner strength and connection to their authentic and true selves. 

I believe that when we access the Sacred within us, self-love, self-care, and deep connection come more naturally. My intention is to make this process as simple and peaceful as possible. Thank you for visiting my page, and I look forward to connecting with you.

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